Job or business, what should I do? I can't figure out which one will be better. If you also have the same confusion then this is for you. Because today you are going tofind the right answer to your question. 

In today's article, we're going to see a fullcomparison between job and business unbiasedly and try to find out what's best for you, jobor business, by asking some questions to yourself. So let's find out the solution for this lifeproblem. 

Which one is better? Job or Businees

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Which one is better Job or Businees

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If you get a job through Relevel, you willget your registration fee 100% refunded. Now coming back to the question, which oneis better, job or business? Before I answer you this question, tell me,which is better in taste: pizza or burger? If your answer is pizza, then you need totalk to my mom once. Because let alone eating pizza, even watchingsomeone else eating pizza makes her feel like vomiting. So what is good and what is bad depends entirelyupon your taste. Some people like pizza, some people like burgers. 

Just like some prefer jobs whereas some preferbusiness. So, first of all, let's make an unbiased comparisonbetween job and business, 

Business versus Job

1. RiskIf you are skilled enough, you will not face any problem getting a job in a new companyin case you lose your job. But if you lose a established business, youneed to put in much effort to resettle it and make it successfully run again. Besides, statistic shows that 90% of businessesget closed within three years of starting. 

2. MoneyNo matter how skilled you are, you have to wait for a certain amount of time to get promotedin your job. But there is no limit to how fast you cangrow your business and how much money you can make. 

3. EffortIf you do a job, your work will be limited. Your work hours and holidays will be fixed. But if you want to set up a successful business,your work there will be infinite. In this case, neither your work hours noryour holidays will be fixed. In the beginning, you might have to work foreven 16 hours seven days a week. 

4. FreedomIf you have your own business, you can take leave as you want, but in reality, a successfulbusinessman cannot take that leave. Because leave will come at the cost of theloss or slow down of business. And a successful businessman never wants thatto happen. If you're a serviceman, then whether you willbe free or busy, depends on your workload. And since the holidays are fixed, if you planin advance, you can get the leave you want in most jobs. 

5. ResponsibilityThe boss is the most responsible person in a company, he has all the responsibility ofalmost everything on his shoulders. Whereas an employee's responsibility is limitedto do his job properly. 

6. LearningAs a businessman, you have to learn many different things little bit. But to be a good employee, you only need toacquire outstanding skills in a particular task. 

7. SecurityYour company may fire you overnight. But a successful business is less likely tocrash overnight. Yes, but when it comes to government jobs,the story gets reversed. 

So after comparing these seven things we cancome to the conclusion that, If you prefer a limited life with limitedrisk, limited money, limited effort, limited freedom, limited responsibilities, limitedlearning opportunities, and limited security, where you don't have to come out of your comfortzone every day and face new problems, then my friend business is not for you, job isthe right option for you. 

More specifically, government job is the rightoption for you. But if you prefer a life with lots of risk,lots of money, lots of effort, lots of freedom, lots of responsibilities, lots of learningopportunities, and lots of security, where you have to get out of your comfort zone everyday and deal with new problems, then my friend, job is not for you, business is the rightoption for you. 

In a word, if you are an "happy with less"kind of person, then job is suitable for you. But if you are a "not happy with less" kindof person, then business is better for you. I hope I have been able to help you overcomethis confusion of "job or business". So one last request to you, help your dearfriends who are suffering from the same confusion by sharing this.

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